University of Ubudiyah Indonesia Aceh
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Afternoon Class Program (Afternoon / Evening College)
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia - University of Ubudiyah Indonesia Aceh

1. S1 PGSD
2. S1 Computer Science Education Prospectus
3. S1 Legal studies Prospectus
4. D3 Midwifery Prospectus
5. D4 Educator Midwife Prospectus
6. S1 Public health Prospectus
7. S1 Pharmacy Prospectus
8. S1 Science of nutrition Prospectus
9. S1 Psychology Prospectus
10. S1 Technical Information Prospectus
11. S1 Information Systems Prospectus
12. D3 Computerized accounting Prospectus
13. D3 Information Management Prospectus
14. S1 Management Prospectus
15. S1 Accounting Prospectus
16. S1 Architectural Engineering Prospectus
17. S1 Civil Engineering Prospectus

1. Prospectus of S1 PGSD
Competency S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Curriculum Studies Program S-1 PGSD expected to print a graduate profile that has the following capabilities:
  • Devoted and faithful to God Almighty, and mengaktuali-sasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Know the depth of primary school students about to be served.
  • Mastering science subjects source of teaching materials in elementary school.
  • Conducting educational learning.
  • Developing professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Responsible and ethical professional educator.
  • Participate in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Providing insight to the public about the importance of education.


a.Ability to devoted and faithful to God Almighty,
__and mengaktuasisasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Faithful and devoted to God Almighty
  • Obey in worship
  • uphold the moral and religious ethics in carrying out the task
  • Has humanity and sense of nationhood adequate.

b. Know deeply elementary learners who want to be served.
  • Getting to know students as individuals deferences
  • Provide treatment to students according to ability

c. Mastering the source material science subjects in primary school teaching.
  • Substance and methodology of science (disciplinary content knowledge)
  • Packaging materials science be taught in elementary school curriculum (pedagogical content knowledge)

d. Conducting educational learning.
  • The design of the learning program based on a series of situational decision
  • The implementation of learning programs including adjustment while sidewalk (mid-course adjustments) based on an on-going connection with transactional desicians unique reaction (ideosyncratic response) of the learner to teacher actions.
  • Accessing the process and outcomes of learning
  • Using the results of the assessment process and learning outcomes in order to improve the management of learning on an ongoing basis which refers to the achievement of the goals of education as a normative reference.

e. Responsibility and professional ethics educators.
  • Understand and implement professional ethics educators
  • Responsible for the professional educator


a. Develop professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Able to conduct research oriented pro-ses increase learning
  • Being able to improve the profession itself through scientific research and seminars

b. Provide insight to the public about the urgency of basic education.
  • Can provide effective information to the public about basic education
  • Ability to generate interest in the community to care for basic education.


Participate in a multidisciplinary team.a. Able to adapt and apply the knowledge in multi-disciplinaryb. Have a high spirit of togetherness.
Profile, Professional and Career Graduates S1 Elementary School Teacher Education

Profile Graduate Studies Program PGSD

  • Graduates of the fear of God Almighty and the personality shown by the behavior of elementary school teachers that promotes the values of discipline, wise, prudent, living healthy and fit.
  • Graduates are able to design, implement and assess the learning process in elementary school that refers to the achievement of learning objectives both aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
  • Graduates who master the learning materials, learning methodologies and can design an interactive learning media in accordance with the characteristics of the concrete operational learning in primary school.
  • Graduates of the master of science in order to apply didactic educational-methodical in developing learners at the elementary school level.
  • Graduates are able to develop their field through action research-based education in accordance with the needs and the development of science and technology, global perspective, creative, and innovative.
  • Graduates are able to communicate empathic and entrepreneurial spirit as well as meet the needs of the community at the elementary level.

Graduate profile above refers to the Class Teacher Competency Standards (SKGK) SD / MI issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education.

Professions and Career Graduates
Worked as a primary school teacher who is able to design and implement learning in primary schools to enable students with meaningful activities to achieve the learning objectives in SD which includes mastery of the five basic subjects (Indonesian, Mathematics, Civics, Social Sciences, and Science natural and able to develop other supporting subjects.

2. Prospectus of S1 Pendidikan Ilmu Komputer
S1 Computer Science Education Computer Science Education is a Study Program / Department / Department / Faculty that concentrates on the application of Computer Science in the world of education. Computer Science Education aims to produce undergraduate computer science education (S.Pd) that is able to apply and integrate computer science (software and hardware) with education science (for example producing interactive multimedia products and e-learning).Bachelor of Education in Computer Science has the competence to be an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subject teacher for elementary, middle and high school as well as being a TKJ teacher, RPL, Multimedia in Vocational Schools.

Standard curriculum:
  • Pedagogic Sciences such as: Student Development, Class Management, Learning Planning, Learning Evaluation.
  • Programming and data structure algorithms.
  • Architecture and operating system.
  • Information and Database Systems.
  • Human and computer interactions, computer graphics, image processing, and multimedia.
  • Computational theory, numerical and symbolic computing.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
  • Method and software engineering.
  • E-learning, E-Commerce and interactive Web.

A. Graduate Profile

Profile of graduates of Computer Science Education Study Program are as formal Educators (teachers of computer science / information and communication technology education) at the level of primary and secondary education, Computer Education in government and private institutions, Laboratory Assistants, Instructors in educational and training institutions , Edupreneur who is capable of designing and developing game applications, learning media, web, and educational information systems. In more detail, the profile of graduates is contained in the learning outcome and competencies of graduates of computer science education programs.

a. Main Competence

1. Mastery of the field of computer science education study

Mastery competencies in the field of computer science education are contained in the Subject Study Skills (MKK) = 81 credits, for example the subjects of Algorithms and Programming, Databases, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, etc. (can be seen in table 5.1.2). These competencies include.
  • Mastering substance, characteristics of computer science and its application in solving problems in society
  • Mastering the substance, characteristics and methodology of computer science teaching
  • Mastering the structure and material of ICT / Craft curriculum in SMP and SMA and KKPI and various subjects in Vocational School majoring in Computer and Network Engineering, Multimedia and RPL
  • Develop the concept of computer science by utilizing technology and / or art
  • Able to associate and apply computer science and ICT curriculum in schools with their context or environment
  • Able to adapt computer science material to student development
  • Able to plan and carry out laboratory work in computer learning
  • Able to manage school computer laboratories
2. Mastery of the field of computer science education study

Students' understanding of competence is contained in the Basic Professional Course (MKDP) = 12 credits and course experience course field skills (MKPPL) = 4 credits, for example Education Foundation courses, Educational Psychology, Counseling, PPL, etc. (can be seen in table 5.1.2). These competencies are:
  • Able to identify potential students who need to be developed
  • Get to know the potential characteristics of students
  • Have a commitment to the rights and obligations of students
  • Get to know and make use of the student environment
  • Mastering the ways and learning styles of students
  • Able to empathize with students
  • Guiding student career development
3. Mastery of educating computer science learning

Educating computer science learning competencies is contained in the Study Program Professional Skills Course (MKKP) = 11 credits, for example Computer Learning and Learning, Study of Computer Science Curriculum and Computer Science Learning Planning, etc. (can be seen in table 5.1.2). These competencies are:
  • Mastering the models, strategies, approaches, methods and media of ICT learning
  • Plan and educate ICT learning
  • Mastering the principles and procedures for assessing the process and learning outcomes of students
  • Plan and carry out assessment of the process and learning outcomes of students
  • Use the assessment results to improve learning
  • Plan and carry out research in order to improve the quality of learning
4. Personality development and professionalism

Personality competency and professionalism are contained in the Basic Professional Course (MKDP) = 12 credits and courses PPL = 4 credits, for example courses in Education, PPL, Counseling, etc. (can be seen in table These competencies are:
  • Able to adjust to the work environment
  • Able to judge its own performance
  • Able to work independently and cooperate with others
  • Able to find new sources in the education field
  • Have a commitment to the profession and professional duties
  • Able to communicate the results of scientific studies in writing and verbally
  • Able to improve in the performance of his profession

b. Supporting Competencies

Competencies supporting the graduates of Computer Science Education Study Program are achieved through several courses and lecture systems. The courses included research methodology, educational seminars, and learning media. The supporting competencies include:
  • Able to improve the learning process
  • Able to develop learning that is carried out continuously through action research
  • Able to find information through ICT facilities
  • Able to use computers to produce learning media products

3. Prospectus of S1 Ilmu Hukum
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Law/Legal Studies
Legal Studies Program graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, and the ability to master and understand both theoretically, concepts and proficient or skilled in the application of science (practice) of law in society; develop a critical attitude and skilled; develop studies critical legal discipline; develop humane character; temperament always siding with the values / norms which the human conscience alignments that tend to truth, justice and human rights; master the skills and legal skills (professional) as well as the ability to build integrity; develop attitudes active against sensitive and social issues surrounding community, which is based on human values are universal; understand the human rights of individuals and groups; favor of the values of justice, honesty and truth.

Legal Studies Program graduates have the knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to analyze legal issues and finding solutions to these problems in the community, including providing documents needed to assist people dealing with cases, both outside and inside the court; analyzing legal issues existing and seek solutions to these problems in society by digging, follow and understand the values of law and justice that lives within the community; understand the regulation of land, banking and capital markets, as well as to map the problems in the field of land and banking, including capital markets; menganalisisi International law existing problems and find solutions to these problems in a national and international scope to follow and understand the legal values and a sense of universal justice in the global community, as well as managing the legal documents.

Basic competencies of Bachelor of Laws is have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of law; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of law, able to follow new developments in the field of law, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Legal Studies Program graduates are trained to be a Law graduate noble, independent, full of confidence that is useful to society and the state, with the spirit of professionalism in the field of law; master the Indonesian law and the scientific basis for developing basic work skills and legal knowledge of law; sensitive to issues of justice and social issues as well as be able menganlisis legal issues in the community, able to use his knowledge as a means to solve social problems wisely and based on principles of justice and law.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Law/Legal Studies
Bachelor of Law can work and a career as a legal officer in various industries such as banking and finance industry, legal practitioners (lawyers, notaries and land deed officials, legal counsel); law enforcement officials (judges, prosecutors, police), academics, diplomats and analysts law.

Career / work in government and private institutions as judges, prosecutors, lawyers, Clerk, Notary, Legal Counsel, Legal Analyst-Banking Economics, Personnel Management, Land Deed Official, researchers, journalists, politicians, NGOs, Lecturer / Lecturer in Educational Institutions, etc.

Set up their own services Legal Consultant / Advocate, Notary, Legal Analyst, etc.

4. Prospectus of D3 Kebidanan
Midwives are trained medical personnel who have a very important role in improving standards of public health, particularly maternal and child health (MCH). Midwife's role as an advisor, consultant and practitioner in the treatment of pregnant women through childbirth making it one of the spearheads the government in suppressing the maternal mortality rate and or newborns.

Indonesian Midwives will Experiencing Surplus in 2015
Sources of information :
Campuses have departments of obstetrics continues to mushroom, so that the resulting number of midwives is also growing. Estimated at 2015 Indonesia will have a surplus of midwives and some had to be sent abroad.

This estimate was Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI PP), Dr Harni Koesno, as reported by the MSM Detikcom. According to Dr. Harni, ideal midwife needs is one midwife for 1,000 residents. With an estimated population of Indonesia in 2015 is 240-250 million people, it needs at that time was 240-250 thousand midwives to be distributed throughout Indonesia.

Whereas according to records IBI PP, now there are 200 thousand more midwifery graduates and 125,382 are already registered as a member of the PP IBI. And with approximately 726 midwifery, 3 universities with majors in obstetrics and S-1 to S-2 agencies 2 then every year there are 29 thousand new midwives. "With this comparison, it is estimated by 2015 there will be a surplus midwife, "said Dr. Herni.

To empower midwives abundant amount it, Dr Harni has collaborated with the National Agency for the Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) to send abroad most midwives. One delivery destination country is Timor Leste.

"Yesterday we have sent 6 midwife abroad namely Timor Leste, and will be followed 10 other midwife there. Shipments to other countries like Canada, Australia, United States and Dubai are also there but maybe still later," said Dr. Harni.

Berdesarkan this information, then the midwifery course curriculum should contain courses of foreign languages ​​and literature (English Language and Literature, Chinese, Arabic, etc.) as possible. So that graduates are ready to be sent abroad, due to obstetric graduates later (from 2015) will be difficult to enter the labor market in Indonesia.
Educational Objectives of Study Program D3 Midwifery
  • Preparing novice professional midwives (Associate Expert Midwifery, AMKeb) quality and highly competitive, skilled in the profession of midwifery who are able to serve the community, especially maternal and child health.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Midwifery
D3 Midwifery graduates equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, skills and abilities as an expert associate that meets the standards of midwifery core competencies, competence support, and general competence as follows.

Main Competency Standard graduate D3 Midwifery
  • Midwife has the knowledge and skill requirements in the social sciences, public health, and ethics that form the basis of high-quality care that is culturally appropriate, for women, newborns, and families.
  • Midwives provide high-quality care, health education that responds to the culture, and provide comprehensive services in the community in order to raise a healthy family life, pregnancy planning, and readiness to be old.
  • Midwives provide high quality antenatal care to optimize the health of the mother during pregnancy, including early detection, treatment, and referral.
  • Midwives provide care of high quality, culturally responsive tehadap during labor, delivery lead a clean and safe, handle certain emergency situations to optimize the health of women and newborns.
  • Midwives can provide care at childbirth and breastfeeding mothers are high quality and responsive to local culture.
  • Midwives provide high-quality care and comprehensive in newborns (BBL) healthy until the age of 1 month.
  • brmutu Midwives provide care and comprehensive high in healthy infants and toddlers.
  • Midwives provide care and comprehensive high brmutu on families and groups.
  • Able to perform midwife midwifery care to women / mothers with reproductive system disorders

Supporting competence graduate D3 Midwifery
  • Midwives can provide care counseling during pregnancy.
  • Midwives can provide care during labor and birth.
  • Midwives can provide care at childbirth and breast-feeding mothers.
  • Midwives can provide care in newborns and in infants.
  • Midwives can provide care to women or mothers of reproductive disorders.
  • Midwives can provide midwifery care based on evidence-based principles.
  • Midwives can master some soft skills needed in the working world, especially as a Midwife in the Village (public relationship skills, empowerment and community organizing)
  • Midwives have common knowledge, skills and behaviors related to social sciences, public health and health professionals as well as preconceptions, Keuarga Planning (FP) and Gynecology.
  • Midwives to become agents of social change as a Community Midwife in the Village program implementing Alert
  • Midwives can communicate in English, both passively and actively in the context of midwifery services
  • Midwives are able to master information and communication technologies and use them to practice midwifery
  • Midwives were able to demonstrate self-reliance in developing his career through the entrepreneurial spirit
  • Midwives are able to develop the attitudes and behaviors oriented to patient safety, appropriate behavior Indonesian Midwives Code, responsible, accountable and ready.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Midwifery
Midwifery Associate Expert to work and a career as an associate expert obstetrics, midwifery services researcher, educator or counselor obstetric care, obstetric care manager or personnel in any Government or Private (General Hospital, health center, maternity hospital, clinic, Mother and Child Hospital , etc.), or private Foreign Educational Institutions (State Universities / private schools, institutions Training / course), research institutions, independent laboratories, etc.

5. Prospectus of D4 Educator Midwife

6. Prospectus of S1 Public Health
Educational Objectives of Study Program S1 Public Health
  • Produced scholars in the field of public health who has the ability, skills that are reliable, and competent personality and noble the community needs, the state and the business community, especially in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) and the Health Education and Behavioral Sciences (Health Promotion).
  • Generated new discovery or advance (creative and innovative) in the field of science and technology through a variety of public health research field trials with a scientific mindset.
  • Performed community service as a form of concern Prodi S1 Public Health in the field of public health by applying scientific principles.
  • raised cooperation with other institutions both vertically and horizontally and cooperative in order to develop study programs and personnel with the institution, especially with local governments, health agencies and the business community.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Public Health
S1 Public Health graduates equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skill and ability as a Bachelor of Public Health who meet the competency standards and common core competencies as follows.

Main Standard Competencies S1 Public Health Graduates
  • Being able to use the principles of solving health problems in the development of public health programs.
  • Able to carry out the management functions of public health efforts in accordance with the circumstances, conditions, urgency and local potentials.
  • Able to educate, train, promote and mobilize active community participation in health.
  • Able to coordinate, and negotiate partnerships in developing health-oriented development.
  • able to develop information systems, science and technology in the health sector.
  • Able to carry out the research and application of research results for the planning, engineering technology, implementation and evaluation of public health efforts.
  • Able to develop professionalism in line with the development of science and medical technology.

General competence Bachelor of Public Health is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of public health; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of public health, able to follow new developments in the field of public health, conducting research, or study program at a rate of more further.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Public Health
Bachelor of Public Health to work and a career as a public health experts, public health researcher, teacher / educator / instructor of public health, health consultants in Indonesia and Abroad (overseas), in government or private institutions (hospitals, health centers, polyclinic, Department / Centre or Regional health Service, National Narkortika Agency (BNN), health Insurance, BPS, BKKBN & P2KB, etc.), research institutions and development in health, State or private educational institution (State Universities / private Schools -schools, institutions Training / course, etc.), as well as in other institutions engaged in the prevention of health problems and environmental public services, food and nutrition industry, Governmental Organization (NGO), and so on.

Public Health graduates S1 can also be Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with established businesses Healthcare Consulting Services independently or in collaboration with other institutions / companies.

7. Prospectus of S1 Pharmacy
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Pharmacy
S1 Pharmacy graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and technical and managerial skills in the field of pharmacy; has the knowledge and ability to utilize the original Drug Indonesia in order to be accepted in parallel to modern medicine and synthetic drugs; Merani take the initiative and risks in the business (spirited entreprenuer / self-employed); has basic skills in managing a pharmacy include managerial skills, finance and marketing; able to plan, produce and develop a variety of traditional medicinal products derived from nature; has the ability to grow the business so that it can be more developed; able to systematically identify and analyze the problems in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies, hospitals, so it can find the solution (solve the problem) and can anticipate the future in a system when the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacy, or hospital;

Bachelor of Pharmacy Basic competence is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of Pharmacy; able to solve the problem logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and in an effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in the field of expertise another and take advantage of their assistance; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start the pilot establishment of entrepreneurship in the field of Pharmaceuticals unit, able to follow new developments in the field of Pharmaceuticals, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Pharmacy graduate has strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to follow the progress of knowledge in the fields of architecture, ability to lead others, and so on.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Pharmacy
Bachelor of Pharmacy can work and a career in government or private agencies (national and multinational) such as state-owned (BUMN), the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies, hospitals, IKOT (Small Industries Traditional Medicine), DBF / PBF (Distributors / Wholesalers Pharmaceutical), drug consulting services drugs, FDA/BPOM (Food and Drug Administration), research institutes, universities (state and private universities), etc., as a professional manager, supervisor, or experts in the fields of pharmaceutical, medicinal products, etc.

Being Entreprenuer (Entrepreneurs) by building companies in the field of pharmaceutical or medicinal products, such as pharmacy, traditional medicine industry, etc.

8. Prospectus of S1 Science of Nutrition
The basic competency of the Bachelor of Nutrition is to have quality and intellectual integrity with high competitiveness, both academically and morally, able to adapt to changes, realize that science is always advancing and developing, able to browse and obtain scientific information, know how and can continuously learn in handling each problem, able to uncover the structure and core of the problem and set priorities stages of solving know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply knowledge and knowledge capable and skilled in the field of Nutrition, public relations, and advertising can solve problems logically, utilize data / the available information can use concepts to explain things that are not / less clear able to be independent in work and efforts to be able to actively participate in working groups able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and take advantage of they are able to make effective use of available resources, be able to start pioneering the formation of entrepreneurial units in the field of Nutrition and / or public relations and / or advertising, able to keep up with new developments in the field of Nutrition.

Main Competencies
  • Able to think broadly (meta-cognitive) with a scientific foundation
  • Be able to explain basic theories, science and technology, nutrition and related sciences (food science, biomedicine, humanities, and management) in a structured manner
  • Being able to apply nutrition science and technology in solving nutritional problems of individuals, groups and communities through assessment of nutritional status
  • Able to communicate effectively in counseling, nutrition education and dietetic services to deal with the nutritional problems of individuals, groups and communities according to the results of their studies and consider the implications
  • Able to manage nutrition services based on nutritional assessment that has been standardized independently
  • Being able to make decisions in the process of solving nutritional problems of individuals, groups and communities through an assessment of nutritional status and related factors
  • Able to develop promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative nutrition services and be able to adapt to conditions of limited resources
  • Able to design and manage nutritional education using media and methods according to target characteristics
  • Able to design and manage food management in institutions by applying nutrition and management concepts
  • correctly explains the basics of nutrition and its relation to health and food
  • thoroughly examines the linkages of nutrition, health and food in a system
  • studies, assesses and identifies the nutritional conditions of individuals, groups or communities
  • makes interventions and nutrition services planning according to needs
  • implementing nutrition interventions and services in accordance with the intervention plan
  • carries out monitoring activities on the implementation of interventions and nutrition services
  • carries out evaluation activities on the implementation of interventions and nutrition services
  • promotes nutrition and conducts social mobilization for the prevention and treatment of nutritional problems
  • understands the importance of cross-sectoral, cross-disciplinary and cross-professional collaboration in dealing with nutrition issues
  • make the necessary preparations for advocacy activities in dealing with nutrition problems
  • design and carry out research under the guidance of an expert or expert group
  • applies the latest research results to nutrition interventions and services

Graduate ProfileNutrition Study Program graduates have the opportunity to work as:
  • Nutrition service decision maker.
  • Nutrition service manager and care provider.
  • Nutrition service supervisor.
  • Nutrition education and training supervisors
  • Nutrition inspirator in the community (Community Leader).
  • Implementing scientific research.
  • Health Services
  • Fitness Center
  • Beauty Center
  • Food and Drug Monitoring Agency
  • Food Security Agency
  • Food and Beverage Industry
  • Consultant Company
  • R&D research and development
  • Health Sector NGOs
  • Training and higher education

9. Prospectus of S1 Psychology
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Psychology
S1 Psychology graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to examine the phenomenon of human behavior from the perspective of psychology and observing; design the questionnaire study and analyze and interpret research data; designing training programs; prepare guidelines are structured observations and interviews, as well as conducting interviews; identify several tests psikodiagnostik and usefulness, mengadministrasikannya, and interpret, identify and analyze non-clinical issues, as well as counseling; identify business opportunities.

S1 Psychology graduates have the knowledge, ethics, ability and skill to grow the methodological competencies include knowledge of statistics, knowledge of scientific research methods and knowledge of psychometric methods; has the attention and concern for human pluralism and society; has a broad knowledge base and to include aspects of social science and natural science aspects of psychology; having the experience and the opportunity to perform practical applications by integrating research, theory and practice both in laboratory situations and in real-life situations; having effective communication skills; has a sensitivity to ethical issues, and so on.

Basic competence Bachelor of Psychology is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in addressing each issue, capable reveal the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of psychology; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; may use the concept of -concept to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and in an effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to make effective use of resources no power; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of psychology, able to follow new developments in the field of psychology, conducting research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Psychology graduates have sufficient knowledge of psychology and its development in theory and practical so as to contribute their knowledge professionally in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Child Psychology, Adolescent, Adult and Family, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology , Cultural Environment, Clinical Psychology, Research Methodology and Research Psychology (Experimental Psychology), psikodiagnostik, Social Sciences, Science, physiology / Biology, Statistics, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Psychology
Bachelor of Psychology can work and career as a entreprenuer (entrepreneur), academics or a career in government or private agencies (national and international) as professional managers and experts in the fields of management and human resource development (human resource, human resource), such as selection / employee recruitment / personnel, training and human resource development, career guidance, etc. in government enterprises, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), Banks, Insurance, NGO's (LSM), Hospitals, Industry, etc.

Entrepreneurship in the field of employment services consultant psychologist, by setting up its own educational psychology consulting services, conduct business, health, social behavior, advertising and entertainment media relations, trainer, counselor, etc.

10. Prospectus of S1 Informatics Engineering
Informatics Engineering (information technology, computers, internet and telecommunications) is the fastest growing field and cause expansion of employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors, particularly the manufacturing sector, and computer services firms, software houses, IT consulting, as well as the various fields of technology of information.

To deal with the liberalization of information in the era of globalization, much needed quality human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially in the information technology field of informatics engineering.

Informatics Engineering are needed in many areas of the world of work, the development of various disciplines of information science, good science and process technology specifically symbolic facts (data) into information by making the most of computer technology. Informatics Engineering basing logic and systematic approach to obtain the solution in solving various problems.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Informatics Engineering
S1 Informatics Engineering graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and abilities to design, apply and develop the information and communication technology systems in the field of Software Engineering, Information Systems, Engineering, Networking, Multimedia Systems, Management Information Systems (MIS), System Analysis, System Designer , Consultant Systems Development, Database administrator, Network administrator, Computer Networking, Software Engineer, Artificial Intellegence, Games & Embedded System Programs, Database System, etc.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Informatics Engineering is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of informatics engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of informatics engineering, able to follow new developments in the field of informatics engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Informatics Engineering graduates have the competence and expertise of software engineering, computer networks, databases, artificial intelligence and game programming and embedded system which is able to adapt to the development of Information Technology in order to provide a model of a computer-based system solutions; also capable of being a reliable information technology-based entrepreneurs, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Informatics Engineering
Bachelor of Informatics Engineering to work and a career in government or private agencies (national and multinational) as System Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Specialist in IT Security, Mobile Application Programmer and Design, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Consultant, web Developer, Artificial Intelligence Applicator, ICT Project Manager, ICT Researcher, etc.

Career / work in the field of Corporate Information Systems, Software Engineering, Network Engineering, Multimedia Systems, Database, Networking, Software, Multimedia, E-Business Consultant at IT / IS, Corporate Telecommunications, Industrial Manufacturing, Bank, Insurance and other financial institutions, Networking companies, Internet Service Providers, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, etc.), Government Agencies, Universities, etc.

Career / profession as Department Manager of Information Systems, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Artificial Intelligent, Computer Networking, System Support, System Design, Database Administrator, Web Developer & Designer, Games & Embedded System Program, Programmer Analyst, Software Engineer, Lecturer / lecturers, etc.

Being Technoprenuer by establishing consulting services Information Communication Technology Systems, Business & System Analysis, Software Engineer, Game Developer, progammer, etc.

11. Prospectus of S1 Information System
Information System together with Informatics Engineering, is the fastest growing field so there was a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion raises employment opportunities in various sectors of the broad field of Information System include developing information systems, methods and tools (programming languages and database), management information systems and information systems engineering.

Study program of Information System implement, assess, and develop engineering science underlying information system. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools that are needed in the engineering information system which includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Information System are needed in many areas of the world of work, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world infomrasi; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially the field of information systems.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Information System
S1 Information System graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, abilities and skills to create a program in accordance with the business processes, designing and building a database system, conduct Web-based programming, based on the latest and most advanced programming languages, software engineering, multimedia systems, design and build object-based systems; identify the needs of the network in an organization, designing and building a corporate information system (enterprise information system), manage project information and communication technology, auditing information systems, e-business, a trouble shooter computer, etc.

S1 Information System graduates have the competence and expertise as System Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, and so on.

General/basic competence Bachelor of Information System is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in deal with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of information systems; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help it is able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in information system, able to follow new developments in the field of information systems, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Information System graduates have the competence and expertise to provide integrated solutions in the field of E-Business, Corporate Information Systems, Information Management, Computerized Accounting; also capable of being a reliable information technology-based entrepreneurs; become qualified people who have a high intellectual, creative, innovative and sensitive to environmental phenomena that occur in the community; may provide information system solutions to the problems that exist in society, and so on.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Information System
Bachelor of Information System can work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises (BUMN), IT / IS consultant, telecommunications, manufacturing, banking , insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Department of Information Systems Manager, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Expert / Instructor / Lecturer, etc.

Being techno with established consulting services in the field of information and communication technology systems, business and system analysis, programmer, etc.

12. Prospectus of D3 Accounting Computer
Computer Accounting together information management, information systems, informatics engineering and computer engineering, is the fastest growing field so there was a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion lead to employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors in particular the development of the field of Computer Accounting SIA (Information systems of Accountancy), SIM (Management Information system), system analysis and design, as well as methods and tools (programming languages and databases).

Computer studies programs Accounting implement, assess, and develop the underlying science of accounting information systems engineering as a whole. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools needed in the accounting information systems engineering includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Computer Accounting is indispensable in almost all areas of the workforce, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world of information; thus need to be prepared human resources qualified and able to compete in every aspect, especially the field of computer accounting.
Excellence & Advantage of D3 program In General
Diploma Program Three (D3) and Bachelor (S1) have their respective advantages, both are needed in the working world. Generally graduate Diploma Program Three (D3) has the designation / title "Associate Expert" abbreviated A.Md. , while the graduate program or bachelor degree (S1) has a "Bachelor" .

Excellence & Advantage of D3 program :
  • Study period of 6 semesters (3 years), so the faster pass than S1, and of course the total cost of their studies lighter than S1, so for people who want a quick plunge in the world of work, it is advisable to take a D3 program.
  • Lecture material more applicable (practice) so it tends to be "ready to use" than S1, but it still depends on each individual.
  • Need for labor to more D3 than S1, because D3 will fill the middle level in the pyramid organizational structure and management of the company.
  • Etc.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Accounting Computer
Graduate from D3 Accounting Computer equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and ability to lead a development project and accounting information system development; has the ability to design computer applications accounting by translating user needs into a computer orientation; has the ability to write computer programs in some languages applications pemrogramam; perangakat master various software applications according to the latest information technology developments, as well as bridge the gap between end users of computer services to the environment in a computer.

D3 Computer Accounting Graduates qualified computer systems both software and hardware, particularly the field of computer accounting; qualified engineering-oriented programming interface hardware; qualified accounting information system-based computer network local / global (Internet); has expertise designing accounting software analisisi with techniques based relational database management system; has the ability to analyze and design the accounting system in the terminology of informatics and provide alternative solutions-based approach to system; has the ability to apply the scientific method in solving problems that are particularly informatics computer accounting with advanced programming skills; has the ability to maintain the integrity themselves and were able to develop a professional attitude in the work both as individuals and as a group and accounting professionals in the computer field.

Basic competence Associate Expert Computer Accounting is having quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of computer accounting; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of computer accounting, able to follow new developments in the field of computer accounting, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at a rate of more further.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Accounting Computer
Computer Accounting Associate Expert can work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises, IT / IS consultant, telecommunication companies, manufacturing industries, banking, insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis (Systems Analysis), Programmers, Development Systems Consultant, Systems Designer, Database Administrator, Web Developer, IT Tecnical Support, Data Processing Supervisor, Senior Programmer, Manager Information Systems Department, manager of Accounting Information Systems Development Project, Teachers, etc.

Being techno with setting up a computer consultant in the field of accounting and information and communication technology systems, business and systems analyst, programmer, etc.

13. Prospectus of D3 Informatics Management
Informatics Management together with information technology, information systems, computer accounting, and computer engineering, is the fastest growing field resulting in a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion lead to employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors covering the field of Information Management SIM development (Management information system), AIS (Accounting information systems of), systems analysis and design, information systems for businesses, methods and tools (programming languages and databases), and information systems engineering.

Informatics Management study program to implement, assess, and develop the underlying science of management information systems engineering as a whole. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools needed in information systems engineering includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Informatics management is indispensable in many areas of the world of work, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world of information; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially the field of informatics management.
Excellence & Advantage of D3 program In General
Diploma Program Three (D3) and Bachelor (S1) have their respective advantages, both are needed in the working world. Generally graduate Diploma Program Three (D3) has the designation / title "Associate Expert" abbreviated A.Md. , while the graduate program or bachelor degree (S1) has a "Bachelor" .

Excellence & Advantage of D3 program :
  • Study period of 6 semesters (3 years), so the faster pass than S1, and of course the total cost of their studies lighter than S1, so for people who want a quick plunge in the world of work, it is advisable to take a D3 program.
  • Lecture material more applicable (practice) so it tends to be "ready to use" than S1, but it still depends on each individual.
  • Need for labor to more D3 than S1, because D3 will fill the middle level in the pyramid organizational structure and management of the company.
  • Etc.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Informatics Management
D3 Informatics Management Graduate equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and ability to lead a project construction and development of various information systems management function which is the current needs and future; has the ability to design a computer application to translate user needs into a computer orientation; has the ability to write computer programs in some languages applications pemrogramam; perangakat master various software applications according to the latest information technology developments, as well as bridge the gap between end users of computer services to the environment in a computer.

Graduate from D3 Informatics Management has the expertise of computer systems both software and hardware; has expertise treating the software and hardware; qualified engineering-oriented programming interface hardware; has expertise-based information systems computer networks local / global (Internet); has the expertise to design based on engineering analysis software with relational database management system; has the ability to analyze and design the system in terms of informatics and provide alternative solutions-based approach to system; has the ability to apply the scientific method to solve problems in informatics with advanced programming skills; has the ability to maintain the integrity of the self and is able to develop an attitude professionals in the work either as individuals or in groups and as a professional in the field of informatics.

Basic competence is Associate Expert Informatics Management has the quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of informatics Management; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of informatics Management, able to follow new developments in the field of informatics Management, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at a rate of more further.

Graduate from D3 Informatics Management has the competence and expertise as Analysis System (System Analysis), Programmer, System Designer (Systems Designer), Database Administrator (Database Administrator), Web Developer, IT Tecnical Support, Data Processing Supervisor, Senior Programmer, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Informatics Management
Informatics Management Associate Expert to work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned (BUMN), IT / IS consultant, telecommunication companies, manufacturing industries, banking, insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis, Programmers, Development Systems Consultant, System Designer, Database Administrator, Web Developer, IT Tecnical Support, Data Processing Supervisor, Senior Programmer, Manager of the Department of Information Systems, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Teacher, etc.

Being techno with established consulting services in the field of information and communication technology systems, business and systems analyst, programmer, etc.

14. Prospectus of S1 Management
Management science developed in line with the era of globalization, information and communication technologies that provide an understanding of the approach or important procedures in researching, analyzing and solving managerial problems.

Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring efforts of the members of the organization and use of resources to achieve organizational goals.

Management courses prepare graduates to enter the job field-based business and non-business, national and international, as professionals in finance, marketing (marketing), HR (human resources), as well as an entrepreneur operating.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Management
S1 Management graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to manage various types of organizations in a comprehensive manner in the areas of finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, as well as strategic decision making.

In addition, it is also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies in managing the company, developing management information systems, creating a business plan, conduct business negotiations with presentations and good; economic analytical skills, quantitative and management; collate and analyze the financial performance of public enterprises and nonpublic; perform analysis of financial markets (forex market, money market and capital market); draft feasibility study; planning and marketing research; analysis of International Trade, etc.

Bachelor of Management basic competency is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of management; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of management, be able to follow new developments in the field of management, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Management graduates has the ability to lead a business organization with strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of management, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Management
Bachelor of Management can work and career as a:

Entreprenuer (entrepreneur), academics or a career in government and private agencies as professional managers and experts in the fields of marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations in manufacturing companies, service companies, hospitals, hotels, banking, education, technology information, communication, and so on.

Being a management consultant / business that are reliable, and insightful entrepreneurs information and communication technology.

15. Prospectus of S1 Accounting
Accounting Sciences is developing very fast in supporting the needs of the company, the accounting profession, the government and society in the face of global economic turbulence, information and communication technology.

One of the fundamental nature of accounting is to provide financial information quickly, precisely and accurately by using information technology, so have the accountability to all users in order to establish good corporate governance and good government governance.

Accounting Studies program creates graduates who are competent and able to master the financial accounting application, examination and analysis of the financial statements of the company's commercial and public sector as a manager or entrepreneur who is able to create and develop and implement systems and procedures for accounting and financial professionals as well as the development of technology capable of understanding accounting information systems and financial fields applicable.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Accounting
S1 Accounting graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to prepare financial statements, managing finances, developing accounting information systems, carrying out financial audits, conventional and Islamic banking operations, the preparation of the financial statements of micro small and medium enterprises (SMEs/UMKM) in order to meet the needs of credit through the role of the banking sector, calculating and preparing tax reports, analyzing financial statements of public sector for the development of public sector institutions; able to perform a quantitative analysis of the accounting field; able to perform the examination and analysis of the financial statements of commercial and public sector; able to create and develop and implement systems and accounting procedures; has expertise in the areas of tax management,

Basic competencies of S1 Accounting is have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know-how and can continue continuous learning; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the fields of accounting; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of accounting, able to follow new developments in the field of accounting, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Accounting graduates have strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge in the field of accounting, the ability to lead others.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Accounting
Bachelor of Accounting can work and career as a public accountant, management accountant, public sector accounting, internal audit, and accounting educators.

Careers in Government Institutions, Private Organizations, and Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as accountant / internal auditor or examiner staff in various departments and agencies such as the Ministry of Finance, BPK, BPKP, KPK, Bank Indonesia, Directorate General Taxation and Tax Service Regional Office throughout Indonesia, BUMN, BUMD, domestic or Foreign (PMDN, PMA), accounting and control expert staff in provincial government departments, municipalities or districts across Indonesia.

Being Entreprenuer (Entrepreneurs) by building public accounting consulting services, finance and taxation, management consulting for corporations and individuals who insightful information and communication technology.

16. Prospectus of S1 Architectural Engineering
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Architecture
S1 Architecture graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and capabilities-based planning and architectural design of information technology to design the building and its surroundings as well as all aspects related to the field of architecture, interior, landscape architecture, site design, structural integrated building, housing and settlements, urban design or urban design, computational models of the architecture, the design of the outdoor space, the theory of architecture, architectural science and technology, structure and architectural construction related to construction development, structure, and building materials; has the ability to use information technology in the architecture design; understand the basic knowledge of engineering architecture, particularly with regard to the theory, history, design buildings and their environment well; has a high sensitivity and responsibility towards preservation of environmental quality is good for the survival of society; appreciate and practice a code of ethics architect in science, research and profession, and so on.

General / basic competency Bachelor of Architecture is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of architecture; may solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub entrepreneurship in architecture, is able to follow new developments in the field of architecture, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Architectural Studies Program graduates have strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to follow the development of knowledge in the fields of architecture, ability to lead others, and so on.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture can work and career as a entreprenuer (entrepreneur), consultants or contractors, academics or researchers at public universities, private sector and research institutions, or a career in government and private agencies as a professional manager, supervisor, or experts in the fields of architecture, interior, landscape architecture, site design, structural integrated building, housing and settlements, urban design or urban design, computational models of architecture, design of the outdoor space, the theory of architecture, architectural science and technology, and construction of architectural structures associated with the development of construction, structure, building materials, etc..;

Career as a Professional Architect in Government Institutions, Private Organizations, in various departments and agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Town Planning in Indonesia and control of provincial government departments, municipalities or districts across Indonesia.

Being Entreprenuer (Entrepreneurs) by building services consultants or contractors based on information and communication technology.

17. Prospectus of S1 Architectural Engineering
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Civil Engineering
S1 Civil Engineering graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and ability to complete planned construction of Civil Engineering; has the ability to carry out the work of supervision, and management of the built environment, the ability to make statements of work (engineering) and engineering judgment; ability to recognize, observe, analyze, and solve scientific issues in the field of civil engineering; also equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Civil Engineering is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of civil engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of civil engineering, able to follow new developments in the field of civil engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study in levels further.

S1 Civil Engineering graduate master of civil engineering theory based on Information Technology, innovative, creative, and anticipatory in problem solving and decision making; master the scientific basics and skills in the field of civil engineering, so as to discover, understand, explain and formulate a way of resolving the problem civil engineering; has the ability to apply knowledge and skills in the field of civil engineering in productive activities and service to the community with the attitude and behavior in accordance with the order of life together; able to act and behave in the work in the field of civil engineering as well as in social life; has the ability to lead organization with strong integrity, the ability to communicate both orally and in writing, ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the development of knowledge in the field of civil engineering, the ability to lead others, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Civil Engineering to work and a career as an entreprenuer (entrepreneur), contractors, civil construction planning consultants, academics or researchers at public universities, private sector and research institutions, or a career in government and private agencies as a professional manager, supervisor, or experts in the field hidroteknik and beaches, rivers, reservoirs, and their environmental impact, transport, road construction, concrete and building materials, soil and rock mechanics, structures, flood control, coastal protection, physical models of rivers / reservoirs, mathematical models, and their irrigation network building, testing materials, traffic engineering, transportation management, road geometric, mix design pavement structures, marine transport models, the study material for the structure, carrying capacity for road structures, marine construction facility, quality control and analysis of materials, etc.

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with established contracting services and civil construction planning consultants, planning consultants and supervisors value engineering and design review; consultant planning and supervision of land, sea, and air, and so on.

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